Sheana Davis, Ben Sessions & Karina Davis

Award-winning Cheesemakers & Wine Educators | Renowned Culinary Instructors, Cheese Classes & Catering


Our Sonoma retail shop is open every Friday and Saturday from 9 AM to 12 PM. We offer a rotating selection of prepared foods featuring local ingredients and seasonal products.

Come take a peek at what’s in our pantry in our Sonoma provisions shop!


Join our captivating in-person and virtual cheese classes, where Sheana Davis & Ben Sessions share their extensive knowledge and passion for cheesemaking. These classes are not only educational but also a fun way to bond with friends and colleagues.


Our diverse menu, crafted from locally sourced ingredients, offers catering services that delight your taste buds and support our local community. Whether it’s a wine-pairing dinner, artisan cheese plates for your winery, an intimate gathering, or a large-scale event, we have the expertise to meet your needs.

Building Stronger Communities Through Food


We are proud members of Slow Food and are honored to be a Slow Food Snail of Approval Producer. Ben and I are committed to sharing good, clean, and fair practices with our community.

Sonoma county Les Dames  d’Escoffier

Proud member of the Sonoma County chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier.

Connect with us online @epicureansonoma on Instagram or EpicureanSonoma on Facebook.

Join our mailing list to receive weekly emails with current provisions from our Sonoma pantry, upcoming classes & events, along with more special announcements from Sheana Davis & Ben Sessions:

Sheena’s collaboration recipe for a tasty BLT—Brie, Lettuce, and Truffle sandwich—made for Thomas Keller’s Bastille Day celebration.

The Epicurean Connection

19670 8th St East,
Sonoma, CA 95476

Tel: (707) 235-9530

Sonoma Retail Store Hours

Friday: 9am – 12pm

Saturday: 9am – 12pm